About In Color Birding

Our Mission

We provide an entry point to birding for BIPOC communities in and around Greater Philadelphia. We believe that everyone should have safe, joyful, and rewarding access to green spaces and the practice of birding. We exist to help make it happen. In Color Birding is an inclusive environment for those traditionally marginalized to increase their connections to and appreciation of the natural world through bird walks, presentations, funding of transportation costs for classrooms, teacher mini-grants, and visits to local sites.

Our Story

Navigating nature doesn’t always come naturally. But that doesn’t mean it never will. Being comfortable in nature is a skill that can be taught — something we set out to share with our communities back in 2021, when we first started our non-profit organization.

Everyone belongs in nature. And we exist to connect BIPOC folks and their allies with more opportunities to explore the beauty and the benefits of spending time in the green spaces in and around Philadelphia.

Whether you love high flying Bald Eagles, cheeky Black-and-white Warblers, mischievous Herring Gulls, or soulful Baltimore Orioles, you are welcome with us! The only things you need to start birding are an open mind and an adventurous spirit. Together, we’ll explore the outdoors in our own backyards and local green spaces within many of our historically underserved communities.

“The wild things and places belong to all of us. So while I can’t fix the bigger problems of race in the United States – can’t suggest a means by which I, and others like me, will always feel safe – I can prescribe a solution in my own small corner. Get more people of color ‘out there.’ “ -J. Drew Lanham, The Home Place: Memoirs of a Colored Man’s Love Affair with Nature

Join Us

We’ve got our sights set on welcoming spaces.

Inclusivity and equity go hand in hand. Our team works with local parks, arboretums, preserves, and more to bring BlPOC birders together.

Our Team, Board, Staff

Rare birds.

Say ‘hi’ to the wonderful people who help all of our events and programs take flight.

Favorite Bird: Cedar Waxwing

Nicole Seahorne Hameen

Favorite Bird: American Woodcock

Angela Romanczuk


Katrina Clark

Favorite Bird: Red-headed Woodpecker

Jeff Kenney

Favorite Bird: Black-throated Blue Warbler

Bernie Wilson

Favorite Bird: Sandhill Crane

Jason Hall

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

A special thank you to our partners, supporters, collaborators, and affinity groups who drive forward a shared desire to help fund and assist our collective desire to create the spaces our community needs.

Attend an event

Wander and wonder.

There are lasting memories waiting to be made from the fleetest of sightings. Come find community and the coolest little avian creatures at our events.